Episode Two – Anita from Hikes Point

Anita is a performer and instructor at Louisville Turners Circus.

Anita is a mom, a wife, a circus performer, and a person that takes life’s challenges on with a great attitude. As a mother of a daughter with special needs we talk about the things that she’s learned in the process about parenting a child and really some lessons that we can all learn from in how we relate to others. We also discuss cancer as she was recently diagnosed for the second time. You’ll learn how she battles not just cancer, but the mental and emotional turmoil that can come with it, with her attitude of grace and fun that she brings to life.

Learn more about the host and find my other projects as well as the opportunity to work with me at: MichaelShemwell.com

Watch video of this episode on YouTube

Music: A Strong Will is Needed by Derek Clegg

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